Articles and Howtos
Installation and Troubleshooting
Howto install UT in Linux on newer computers
This Howto addresses some of the problems that come with running UT on newer computers such as weird frame per second and sound issues.
Read the Howto
How to telepunt
Telepunting is a technique used in CTF games to launch yourself large distances using the Translocator and the Impact Hammer.
By hitting the translocator with the impact hammer, you can launch it enormous distances. For example, if done correctly in the map
CTF-Face, its possible to go from one side of the map to the other in a very short period of time.
Read the full howto here: How to Telepunt
Howto set up download redirect
When an Unreal Tournament server has some custom package, say a mutator or map, the client has to dowload it in order to play on
the server. By default, the server will send the file to the client. This takes precious bandwidth away from the server, and is also very
slow for the client downloading the file. With redirect, you can send clients elsewhere to download the files, saving bandwith and
speeding the process for players.
How to set up download redirect
Admin console commands
Here is a compilation of console commands that will help you administer your server.
Admin Commands